While I was decluttering, I noticed I got tons of Maynilad billing statements stacked in our drawers. Some would even date back to 2012 when we first moved to our home. Although it brings back memories, I had no choice but to throw them away.
Thankfully, Maynilad took the initiative and introduced the Paperless Billing Program last October 2021. If you’re one of those who prefer getting their statements physically, then here are five reasons why you need to make a switch:

Reason No. 1: It is environment-friendly.
One of the reasons for the delay in payment is the delay in the delivery of the billing. It happened to us several times before. There were even times when we misplaced the bill, which added to the delay.
With paperless billing, there’s no more excuse since you can access your e-SOA either through text message, email, or your My Water Bill online portal account with Maynilad. You can easily track and monitor previous billing statements as well.

Reason No. 3: Enrollment is easy.
The good news is if you have an existing My Water Bill online portal account as of October 22, 2021, your Maynilad account has been automatically pre-enrolled in the Paperless Billing program. This means that, starting with the November 2021 billing, you will start receiving your e-Statement of Account instead of the printed bill.
If you do not have a My Water Bill portal account yet, you can create one by following these steps:
- Visit https://mywaterbill.mayniladwater.com.ph/.
- Enter your Contract Account Number (CAN).
- Nominate a password (The password should be between 6 to 20 characters with at least one (1) uppercase and lowercase letter, and one (1) numeric digit).
- Set security questions to secure your account.
- Select your personal image.
- Input your contact information.
Once you have a portal account, you can now enroll to the Paperless Billing program by simply texting MAYNILAD<space>ON<space>PAPERLESS<space>CONTRACT ACCOUNT NUMBER and sending it to 09191626000.
You can also call the Maynilad Hotline 1626 or visit the official Maynilad Facebook (/MayniladWater) or Twitter (@maynilad) accounts to enroll. Your Name, Contract Account Number, email address, and mobile number must be provided.
You may also check this out to know more: https://www.mayniladwater.com.ph/contact-us/faqs/
Keep in mind that enrolment must be done before the reading schedule so that activation of paperless billing will be applied on the same month. If enrolment is done after the reading schedule, then activation will be applied on the next billing statement.
Reason No. 4: Data privacy and security are prioritized.
One of the reasons why people are skeptical about doing transactions online is the concern regarding one’s security and privacy. This shouldn’t be a cause of concern when enrolling in Maynilad Paperless Billing Program.
All data and information collected when you enroll in the program are subject to Maynilad’s Data Privacy Policy. Check this link to know more about it.
Reason No. 5: Reduces possible Covid-19 transmission.
This is, perhaps, the most important benefit of going paperless. Through this program, physical contact with meter readers is reduced. This means you don’t have to get the hard copy from them; hence minimizing the risk of Covid-19 transmission.
With the virus constantly evolving, surely, we’re willing to do whatever it takes to reduce the risk of getting exposed.

For someone who’s glued in a computer and does most transactions online, Maynilad’s Paperless Billing Program is truly helpful for me.
I created an account in the My Water Bill portal prior to October 22, which means I was automatically enrolled in the Paperless Billing program of Maynilad. Since last year, I’ve been getting email and SMS notifications regarding my billing; hence making it easier for me to remember that it’s the time of the month again.
With my kids who are constantly looking for paper they can draw on, I don’t have to worry about losing the bill anymore.
The bill notification arrives on time, too. I had an instance before when I didn’t receive my bill until it was almost due date – and I hate it the idea of not being able to pay on time. Because it’s online, there’s no excuse of forgetting the bill.
I appreciate this move from Maynilad to go online. It’s easier, simpler, and more convenient especially for moms who are always on-the-go like me.
What are you waiting for? Make a switch and receive your bill online, too.

Ayi is a stay-at-home mom of two. When her kids are in their best state, she keeps up with chores, work, and ensuring that her sanity is intact. Join her as she navigates through this rollercoaster ride called motherhood.