For me, there is no such thing as “too early” when it comes to money and saving.
When I was about six to seven years old, I remember using my mom’s old jewelry box to save coins and loose changes given by my dad. I would constantly count how much money I have and get excited with the idea of “hundred” in my computation. When I was nine, my mom also opened a Junior Savings Account for me and my sisters for “future use.” Every month, we deposit money in those accounts and I get ecstatic seeing the numbers in my passbook. I even remember those times when I wanted to buy new shoes just because “I like it.” Instead of buying it for me immediately, my parents would always say, “If you want something, save for it.” I would save for weeks, but when I can finally buy the shoes I want, I changed my mind and decided to just keep the money.
The point is the words “save” and “saving” were instilled in me at a young age. My parents always reminded us to save, save, and save because you will never know what will happen. They taught us the importance of money, saving, and working hard for something we want.
Now that I’m a mom, I want to do the same to my kids. I want to teach them the value of money, saving, and not taking anything for granted. My husband and I started this “exercise” wherein all the coins will go to this particular box. Every time my daughters see coins, they would say, “Save” then put the coins in the box. Thereafter, we explain to them – in a manner they will understand – the essence of such exercise.
I want my kids to live a comfortable life, just like what my parents gave to me. That is why as early as now, my husband and I instill the value of saving and hardwork to our kids.
Check out this infographic from to remind us to save and work hard in order to attain a financially secured lives. How about you, mommas? Any money tips you are teaching your kids?

Ayi is a stay-at-home mom of two. When her kids are in their best state, she keeps up with chores, work, and ensuring that her sanity is intact. Join her as she navigates through this rollercoaster ride called motherhood.