School days are generally stressful, agree? I have to admit that we’re always on the rush and there are days when we were running late. My eldest, who’s very time-conscious, would often get mad at me for not waking up early. Oops.
Of course, it’s a different story now that the kids are under Online Distance Learning. Mornings are less stressful and demanding since the kids only need to eat their breakfast and change their clothes before they can log-in. We don’t have to worry about traffic and being late since their “school” is just outside the room.
Don’t get me wrong. Our mornings are not stress-free all the time and there are days when my kids are just taking forever to get ready. There are also days where I am not in my most productive state and ended up watching K-drama.
Generally and during good days, the kids are cooperating and here’s what we’re doing:

This is a must. Rushing my kids to finish a homework is something I don’t like to do especially when class will start in a few minutes. Before the day ends, we make sure that all assignments were uploaded and that they are ready the following day, especially if they have quizzes.
Instilling good sleeping habits is among my priorities as my kids growing up. I want them to get sufficient hours of sleep especially now that they are getting better. This is why I make sure that the kids are asleep before 9PM for variety of reasons.
First, so I won’t have a hard time waking them up the following day. They’ll be less cranky, too. Second, they don’t like afternoon naps, so they make up for it by having at least nine hours of uninterrupted sleep. Third, I need my peace and quiet while I do the chores. Haha!
Check out this post where I share tips on how I make my kids sleep early.
Nighttime is my favorite part of the day. Aside from getting that much-deserved me time with wine on the side, I can do chores without little humans messing up the house after.
Therefore, I maximize those hours where the kids are already asleep. I clean the house, fold dry clothes, and organize their study area. I also keep up with work and orders, and prepare according to the kids’ schedule the next day. This way, I don’t have to think about chores the following day. It reduces morning work, too.

K-drama is getting in the way at times, which is why my usual wake up time of 5:30am is extended for an hour. Haha! Nevertheless, I do my best to wake up early so I could finish some work or start with laundry.
Aside from this, waking up early means I get to prepare better breakfast for the kids. The kids are not heavy breakfast eaters but at least, I won’t compromise it by serving whatever I could get my hands on.
More importantly, I need that 10 minutes of me time and just enjoying my cup of coffee. Trust me, it will surely make a difference and change the way you face the day – in a positive way, of course.

Cooking is something I don’t really enjoy doing, especially during lunch time. Since I became helper-less, I made it a habit to cook in bulk, portion, and then store in the ref or freezer. This way, I don’t have to worry about what to feed my kids.
I never thought that this habit could be helpful during school days. Instead of worrying what to cook, I just get last night’s ulam and re-heat it. This is less hassle for me and saves me some time, too.
We live in a routine. As monotonous as it looks, routine keeps us organized and productive. My kids work well if they follow a schedule since they know what to do.
Ours isn’t that complicated. They just need to be up by 6:30am and then:
- Eat breakfast
- Take a quick shower
- Get dressed
- Set up their laptops
- Open the necessary links to open like email, Google Classroom, and Aralinks
- Sign in for attendance
They do these things independently while I finish doing the laundry.
I am mindful on this one. My youngest daughter needs to be in a good mood before school starts otherwise, her entire day is messed up. She got better on this and learned to adjust eventually but there are still off days.
Making our mornings stress-free is not just about following a routine and ensuring that everything in the checklist is done. For the most part, it’s also about our outlook. When we start our day on a positive note, we’ll most likely end up happier and more relaxed. Kids can focus in school as well.
Mommas, this doesn’t have to be grand. Just make sure to greet your kids good morning. Give them breakfast with a smile on your face. Don’t forget to give them a hug because it will surely make a difference. Kids need to feel loved, yes?
This is the most important tip. No matter how much we stress-proof our home, there will always be occasional slips and off days along the way. There are also days when I’m in auto-pilot mode and not really in the mood for anything.
Regardless of what you’re going through, mom, just take a deep breath. Shouting at the kids and forcing them to eat faster won’t help. Believe me, I’ve been there SO MANY TIMES and it just didn’t work.
Breathe. Don’t let little things get in the way and ruin the day.

Ayi is a stay-at-home mom of two. When her kids are in their best state, she keeps up with chores, work, and ensuring that her sanity is intact. Join her as she navigates through this rollercoaster ride called motherhood.
We are not normal, if we do not experience stress. They are already part of life. Thanks for these tips. I will help us.
I don’t have kids but I CAN IMAGINE THE DAILY MORNING STRESS….My friend Alice go through this with her two kids every morning, poor thing. Great tips, thank you.
These are such great tips for making school days a lot less stressful! Doing as much the night before is definitely a huge help!
cute & little
This is what my mom’s daily routine haha. Anyways, thanks for these tips! It’s actually great and convincing.
I think having everything prepared the night before is key. that way you can deal with the unexpected which will almost certainly come up.
Awesome tips! My favorite was to wake up early so that everything goes smoothly early in the morning. School day mornings can be stressful.
Great tips. No kids onmy own yet but will keep this in mind for sure
waking up early is the most important and useful one…these ideas and ways are so damn helpful and interesting one indeed…glad you shared them with us..great work though…
I was already homeschooling before Covid, but it can be stressful still. I also work full time from home so we never get everything done. But we have learned that living a good quality life and balancing gets more done than you ever thought possible. This article was a great way for us to evaluate whether we are heading in the right direction.
These are AMAZING tips, will share these with my readers, thank you!
These are awesome tips for a stress-free school day morning. Making a list the night before is key! Great idea.
These are very awesome tip and will certainly make a great day!
Thanks for sharing these wonderful tips! I’ve been struggling with homeschooling and thought it sucked the life out of me! lol Routine is very important especially with kids. Okay, I’m cooking pork adobo in big batch tonight! hahaha
I’m lucky that it’s so rare that my son messes up in the morning. Haha. Hes very responsible now but when he was young, this checklist would have been so helpful.